a r t i s t o f t h e m o n t h
"My name is Eric Gustafson and I was born in 1982 in a small town outside of Chicago (in the United States). Art, self expression and technology have always played important roles throughout my life. I can remember taking my first picture at age 4 of my parents with their friends, and playing around on my fathers computer later at age 11. During middle and high school I took many fine art classes which I enjoyed thoroughly. However, when I left home for college I was introduced to photography and other digital mediums that also allowed for self expression. I have since not looked back, and love spending my time exploring new design, fractal and 3d software.
Currently I reside in Austin, Texas and my day job is as a portrait photographer. I have much ambition to find something that allows for more travel with photography. I would love to see Europe more then anywhere else, and to travel and document life from behind my lens is nothing short of my greatest dream..."