Renowned as one of the worthiest young artists of Argentina, Marcelo Toledo has successfully travelled a long distance along the path of precious metal craftmanship. His exclusive designs preserve the essence of our national traditions blended with a vanguard touch that turn his works into sculptures with a stamp of their own not devoid of mysticism...
Find more on Marcelo at his exhibition.
"My name is Eric Gustafson and I was born in 1982 in a small town outside of Chicago (in the United States). Art, self expression and technology have always played important roles throughout my life. I can remember taking my first picture at age 4 of my parents with their friends, and playing around on my fathers computer later at age 11. During middle and high school I took many fine art classes which I enjoyed thoroughly. However, when I left home for college I was introduced to photography and other digital mediums that also allowed for self expression. I have since not looked back, and love spending my time exploring new design, fractal and 3d software.
Currently I reside in Austin, Texas and my day job is as a portrait photographer. I have much ambition to find something that allows for more travel with photography. I would love to see Europe more then anywhere else, and to travel and document life from behind my lens is nothing short of my greatest dream..."
Find more on Eric and read the exclusive interview at his exhibition.
Visit the sculpture gallery and send original cards!
Next exhibitions: 2006
Visit previous winners pages and the permanent exhibition of Giuseppe Tampieri's artworks
here. Giuseppe Tampieri is featured artist at
Artemis Media Gallery - Switzerland Batiburrillo Gallery - Salamanca (Spain)
E la pagina di Giuseppe Tampieri su Dimensione Arte.
Please visit his exhibitions. Home Page
Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri