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Disorder,Oil on canvas, 70 x 50 cm, 2003

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Loco laudato, Oil on canvas, 162 x 149 cm, 1997

Sergei Aparin

ESTAVAER LE-LAC III,Oil on canvas, 90 x 160 cm, 1998
Guest artist - February 2005

Sergei Aparin was born in Voronezh, Russia, in 1961 where he graduated at the Art Institute in 1981.
In the period from 1981 to 1991 he exhibited his works in numerous group exhibitions of young painters in St. Petersburg, Kiev and Moscow.
He has been living and working in Belgrad since 1991.
His works can be found in private collections in Russia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia, Germany, Netherlands, England, France, Italy, Swiss, USA, Canada and at the "Centre international Art fantastica" museum in Château Gruyére, Suisse.

Visit Sergei Aparin website

The artist


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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri