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La gioia dell'amore (The Joy of Love)

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Davide Bulli

Viaggio nelle emozioni (Emotional Journey)
Guest artist - May 2005

Davide Bulli is a 44 years old Italian photographer from Tuscany. He has lived in many different places in Italy and abroad. He discovered his passion for photography in 1982 in Colombia when he saw the works of Henri Cartier-Bresson on magazines.
He uses a Hasselblad 500C/M with 80mm optic and especially likes portraits and Black/White photography. He considers himself a man who needs art for living.

click to read the interview

Visit Davide Bulli website

The artist


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Copyright note

Le opere esposte rimangono di proprietà esclusiva degli artisti. La loro riproduzione non espressamente autorizzata è vietata.

All artworks displayed in these pages remain the exclusive property of the respective artsts. Unauthorized reproduction is forbidden.

Todas las obras de arte mostradas en estas página son exclusivamente de derechos reservados en favor de su autor. Queda estrictamente prohibida la reproducción sin autorización.

Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri