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Natural Mystic - location: Ireland/Achill Island

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Japan is everywhere!

Thomas Weschta

Escalator - location: Munich
Guest artist - August 2001

My name is Thomas Weschta, born in 1965 in Bavaria/Germany.
I shot my first roll of film at the age of seven with a cheap 6x6 camera. After that experience I had a longer break and bought my first SLR-camera at the age of 21. At this time I lived in Munich and startet to discover the world around me, through the eye of my camera. At the age of 23 I started painting too. This was a great help for me, and changed my view of things in an substantial way. I'm influenced by photographers like Ansel Adams, Henri Cartier Bresson and Walker Evans. There is also some influence from painters like René Magritte, Giorgio de Chirico and Lyonel Feininger.
Photography is an essential enrichment of life for me and I never want to miss it!
The photos of the LOMO777 gallery where entirely shot with the Russian camera Lomo LC-A. For the Photon gallery I used different SLR-cameras and lenses. I hope you enjoy my photographs and wish you all the best.
Some of my thougths about art and photography:
The photographer paints with light and the painter paints the reflection of his inner light.
A day without any kind of art is a lost day.

Visit Thomas Weschta's Artsites


The artist


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All artworks displayed in these pages remain the exclusive property of the respective artsts. Unauthorized reproduction is forbidden.

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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri