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Still Life With a Silver Jug

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Arseny Muchnick

Casa Milà
Guest artist - February 2002

Arseny Muchnick was born in Novosibirsk, Russia in 1991 and has been living in England since a very young age. He is a pupil at Aldro School in Surrey, where he is being given extended tuition under the art scholarship programme.
His first personal exhibition in 2001 was highly acclaimed and established Arseny as a very promising young artist whose work has maturity and complexity that are truly surprising for his age.
His imaginative use of colour and the bold, often unconventional, composition of some of his paintings invite comparison with Chagall and Kandinsky, but Arseny’s art is highly original and he is rapidly developing a style of his own.
It has been noticed that the sky in "Anticipation" invokes yet another famous Russian, from as far back as 15th century. Can it be genetic, or does the sky of southern England have something in common, apart from the latitude, with the sky that Andrei Rublev saw or imagined? Arseny had not even heard that name when he worked on "Anticipation", and the religious undercurrent of this painting makes the coincidence even more remarkable.

Visit Arseny Muchnick website

The artist


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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri