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Brian HüschGuest artist - August 2000
My name is Brian Hüsch and I live in the city of my birth Arlington, Texas for 27 years. I have been in photography for about 14 years now. I have had about 10 years formal training in those years from people like Art Locke, Chris Gobles and Peter Feresten, all of who are at Tarant County College. Who have helped me evolve a technical understanding of photography and art, while allowing me the room to find my style. I mostly enjoy shooting after midnight on the streets of downtown Fort Worth, Texas, where there is hardly a soul to be seen and it is just the buildings, a cool breeze and I. I use a process where I cut my film speed in half (100 to 50 iso) and develop using Micodol-x and balance alkaline, which allows me to expose film from 35mins to 3 or 4 hours if the amount of light is low are non existent. I have also for the last 7 years been diving into digital photography and alterative photography. Mostly painted negatives, gum printing and the blue and brown prints is what I got very comfortable doing. For the most part, I
am just another miscreant photo nerd, who enjoys breaking every rule put in front of him. |
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