Eduardo Torassa was born in 1955 in Buenos Aires, Argentina. During the past twenty-five years he has exhibited his paintings around the world, individually or with other painters.
U.S.A., England, Italy, Japan, Monaco, México, Brasil, Chile, Uruguay and
Argentina are some of the countries where his works are part of privates and
nuseums collections.
From 1979 to 1983 he lived and worked in Brasil. At present he lives in
His symbolic/surrealistic style is the combination of a millenium of
figurative art which is condensed in each of his paintings.
The presence of great Rennaissance teachers appears constantly recreating
works and people of that epoch, combined with objects and individuals of our
time. This formula reminds us of a very rich dreams world, where its symbols and
images are mixed in a way that achieves a new logic.
The human figure is the esential protagonist which goes from one to another
time so naturally, like if time does not determine existential limits
between reality and fantasy.
Eduardo Torassa with its precious techniques and fantastic pictorial stories,
shows us one story inside the other. His art goes behind the way to arrive
to a Universal subconscious.