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Wolf, Captive shot, Norway

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Lynx, Captive shot, Norway

Michael Bingley

Whooper Swans, Hokkaido, Japan
Guest artist - August 2003

"It was in 1997 that I uprooted from the UK to live in the Norwegian capital, Oslo, at the same time exchanging life as an English gardener for that of photographer, writer, and occasional guide. Nowadays I find myself telling family and friends that my new found career is just a credible excuse for sneaking off to do what I enjoy most - observe nature and wildlife.
In reality I do have interests beyond that of amateur naturalist, and so it is with both photography and writing I'm often found tackling subject matter far removed from the natural world - It is though my love of nature and the outdoors that takes up the greater part of my time.
Many of my images and the articles/features they frequently accompany have found a place in a variety of publications in both the UK and abroad. The images offered for viewing on this site are just the briefest example of my work. As time passes I hope to provide a regular input of material to my personal site. Throughout much of the year I'm available to guide and assist visiting wildlife/photo enthusiasts in Oslo's forested surroundings (services) - a location that affords a wealth of subject matter and provides inspiration for much of my own work. Other Scandinavian and miscellaneous locations, including Japan provide me with contrasting material and inspiration."
Michael Bingley

click to read the interview

Visit Michael Bingley's website

The photographer


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