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Blue Symphony

Alicia de D'Angelica

Those Eyes
Guest artist - December 2003

Alicia is a self-taught digital artist born in Buenos Aires, Argentina. She lives in City Bell, a small village about 50 km. from Buenos Aires City.
She started working with digital images in 1994. In 2000 she made her first artwork submissions to Digital Art Contests, and this fact led her to join other traditional artists in group exhibitions. She masters 3D art image design and creates some fractal art as well. Her 3D images are fully generated with digital media. All her art pieces are designed and printed at a very high resolution no matter how large they are.
In 2001, she became one of the digital artists who are sponsored by the EPSON Foundation of Argentina. She exhibited her artwork in 28 group exhibitions in Buenos Aires City and La Plata City, and in one single exhibition in City Bell that took place in 2002. Her last single exhibition was inaugurated in Buenos Aires City on 1st August 2003. She also showed her art in the "III Salón de Arte Digital" (2001 - CUBA), in the "V Salón de Arte Digital" (2003 - CUBA), and in a group exhibition in Florence (2002 - ITALY).
She was awarded with the following prizes in Digital Art Contests: Great Honour Prize (2003), two First Prizes (2001), Second Prize (2000), and several Honour Mentions.

click to read the interview

Visit Alicia de D'Angelica's website

The artist

Alicia is a member of the Digital Art Jury for the Master of 2005 Annual Art Award

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Copyright note

Le opere esposte rimangono di proprietà esclusiva degli artisti. La loro riproduzione non espressamente autorizzata è vietata.

All artworks displayed in these pages remain the exclusive property of the respective artsts. Unauthorized reproduction is forbidden.

Todas las obras de arte mostradas en estas página son exclusivamente de derechos reservados en favor de su autor. Queda estrictamente prohibida la reproducción sin autorización.

Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri