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The Eclipse

Nick Danilov

God of the Marranes 2
Guest artist - May 2004

Nick Danilov was born in Russia in 1956. After finishing secondary school in 1973 he entered the Faculty of Painting at the Lougansk Art College. In 1977 he finished his studies and started painting professionally. In 1979 he decided to continue his art education and entered the faculty of graphics at the Moscow Polygraphic Academy.
After graduating from the Academy in 1985 Nick worked in the field of design and illustrations for the children's books. He participated in several Russian and International Competitions for Book Art. Between 1986 and 1991 Nick won multiple prizes for Book Art in Russian Competitions.
Since 1991 Nick Danilov lives and works in Israel. Inspired by the lyrics of the French Romance in 1993 Nick began working on a series of erotic, expressive pieces titled "France, My Love". Since 1999 Nick has worked in cooperation with the Fefeberg Gallery in Jerusalem, working on series of pieces inspired by stories from the Bible, created in realistic manner.
In 2001 Nick started working on a new series named "The Mediterranean Siesta" imbued with the spirit of the Middle East in a new, decorative style, while the subject of his creative work remains the same - beautiful feminine forms through the poetic expression of human passion.
During the period from 1977 to 2003 Nick's art works were presented in numerous exhibitions. His pictorial, graphic and illustrative works are currently exhibited in various museums, galleries, libraries as well as in private collections.

click to read the interview

Visit Nick Danilov website

The artist


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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri