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Faro nella tempesta (Beacon in the storm)

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Lucia Cartoni

S. Antimo
Guest artist - July 2004
Best Photographer 2004
Best Photographer 2003

Lucia Cartoni was born in Orbetello, Tuscany in 1978 where she got her diploma at the Istituto Tecnico Commerciale (Technical School).
At the age of 18 she started to be interested in photography after her parents presented her with her first reflex, a Nikon FM10. At that time some might think it was just a juvenile photo hangover but since then many years have passed and the passion hasn't faded away at all. In 2000 she moved to Grosseto where she became a member of two local photoclubs, "Fotoclub Grosseto Immagine" and "photodigitalgrosseto".
The encounter with other photo amateurs helped her to find new expressive ways until she decided to definitely turn to digital photography after she bought a professional Canon EOS D30. At present she creates elaborated images and her shots are mainly figurative, reportage and landscape.
She has been a member of FIAF since 2001 and has participated their national photo contests where she won 16 awards.
She has been a member of FIAP since 2002 and also participated their contests where she won 3 international special awards.
She regularly participates national and international group exhibitions. She had her one-woman shows in Orbetello (GR), Grosseto, S. Vincenzo (LI), Bologna and Guardiagrele (CH). Some of her photos were published on Italian dedicated magazines like "Fotocomputer" and "Il Fotografo". Other works can be found in the FIAF and UIF 2002-2003 yearbooks.

click to read the interview

Visit Lucia Cartoni website

The photographer

Lucia Cartoni is a member of the Photography Jury for the Master of 2005 Annual Art Award

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Le opere esposte rimangono di proprietà esclusiva degli artisti. La loro riproduzione non espressamente autorizzata è vietata.

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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri