Welcome and thanks for your interest in the BTDesign Awards!
We regret to inform you that the program is now closed and no more applications will be accepted in the future.
Since its beginning in January 2000 this award program has reviewed and recognized many exceptional sites, owned by passionate people who definitely make the Internet a better place. There is an invaluable human experience behind maintaning an award program. Getting applications, reviewing sites, writing to applicants means getting in touch with lots of people, some of whom are greatly creative and extraordinary people. You can visit some of the winners' pages here to get an idea of what I mean. Many things have changed since 2000 and in the last year my life has been more than hectic. A new job, new interests and my mother's illness forced me to withdraw from my website. Now, with the recent irreparable loss of my beloved mother, I took the courage to put an end to all this and close the award program. I thank all the former participants and wish them all the best with all their websites. It has been nice but now it's over.
Greetings, BarbaraThe Purpose The purpose of this award program is to honor those websites with educational and resource value that distinguish among the others in both graphics and information accuracy, and give us such a special experience visiting them so to become our favorite bookmarks and a constant source of entertaining and information. These awards are reserved to those webmasters who definitely spend a lot of time building their sites, not just for their own personal pleasure but also to make the Web a place where culture, arts, freedom of speech and beauty are preserved and shared with other people in a reciprocal friendly and ethical spirit.
The Awards

World's Top Award |
The premier award at BTDesign is the "Elite Site" for web resources that not only present unique content, astounding graphics and original design but also fulfill all the requirements described in our criteria and rules pages. These sites must show absolutely no errors and will be considered as the real Best of the Net. A very hard to get award!

World's Top Award |
The "Best Site" award is for web resources presenting any kind of argument in a most distinguished way, with great layout, excellent graphics and great content. The idea I have of an eligible website for this award is that of an ideal web encyclopaedia's entry. The pivotal requirement for this award is the content but the graphic layout must also be excellent and original. This award must really be earned.
The "Approved Site" award is a merit award for all those sites that don't really fit all the criteria requirements for the premier awards but though have something special that makes them worth a recognition. It can also be the first step before you achieve to win the "Best Site " award.
There are also three dedicated awards, for art and music sites displaying the original creations of visual artists and musicians and "the Best Movie Site" for movie-related resources.
Award Sites! Hall of Recognition Worksheet All my awards are worth the following points: Elite Site = 1.0 pt (Top Excellence) Best Site = 1.0 pt (Excellence) Approved Site = 0.33 pt (Merit) Golden Art, Music and Movie = 1.0 pt (Category related)
World's Top Award Only the 2001-2002 winners of the Best and Elite Site Award can count it as a World's Top for the Superb! Website Awards. Previous winners willing to reapply or upgrade their awards please refer to our criteria and rules.
The Award graphics These graphics are original creations. For "Golden Art Site", "Elite Site", "Best Site", "Approved Site" and "Music" awards I elaborated five of Giuseppe Tampieri's sculptures, while my "Best Movie Site" award is modeled on one of my movie stars postcards, a portrait of a very young Gloria Swanson, original © Ross Verlag, photo by G.L. Manuel Frères, Paris. The awards' graphics were redesigned in April 2001. The Elite award was created in May 2001. Click here to see the old versions.
Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri - Design by BTDesign