The Best Movie Site Award

New rating from Award Sites!

Best Site Winners - 2006

January - no winners
February - no winners
March - no winners
April - no winners
May - no winners

ActivistBETA - The Animal Rights Activism Website
A website educating people on the subjects of animal rights, vegetarianism and much more. Best Site - June 2006 to Najib Shams.

Firestarter Pyrography
Pyrographic artist specialising in burning design onto wood & leather. From spoons to boxes, clocks to plaques. Ideal personalised gifts for a special occasion or personal treat! Also pyrography tips & techniques, patterns, tagua & gourds. Member of the Guild of Essex Craftsmen. Upgraded to Best Site - June 2006 to Jo Phillips.

Liza Kliko's Digital Artworks
Portfolio of modern digital artworks, created using various software and inspired by different moods. The site also offers high quality free material such as favicons, backgrounds and wallpapers. Best Site - June 2006 to Liza Kliko.

     Winners 2000 - 1 | 2
     Winners 2001 - 1 | 2
Winners 2002 - 1
Winners 2003 - 1
Winners 2004 - 1
Winners 2005 - 1
Winners 2006 - 1

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