Awards 1999
I sincerely thank all these webmasters for the time spent reviewing my site and for their most distinguished awards. Every award means a lot to me and is proudly displayed in these pages. Thanks again, Barbara
October 5, 1999 I have to admit that I don't understand very much of your language but you do have a *great* Web-site. So.....
Congratulations!!......Your site definitely qualifies for the "Critical Mass Award". A very nice site, excellent design, beautiful original graphics, great artwork, cool music, and your content is informative, entertaining, presented well and easy to access. A worthy enterprise and a positive
contribution to the Web. Bill Darling |
October 9, 1999 We are pleased to give you the Nu-Horizons Design Studio's Personal Site Award. We applaud your site's interaction, unique graphic applications and invaluable in-depth content. Lynne Miller |
October 16, 1999 Congrats your site has been viewed and is excellent! |
December 15, 1999 We toured your web site and feel that your site meets the criteria of our Web Author's Choice Award...Congratulations!
Your site in is very well thought out, informative and very navigable. A definite "Bookmark" on our system! |
December 18, 1999 Very well designed web site! Your site is great I am glad to see you have included both English and Italian. I feel not only is your site artistic but educational as well. I am awarding you with the creative site award I think your site has the design and class deserving of this award.
Thank you so much for your submission and the enjoyment of your site. Great job! Dawn M Dunlap
December 23, 1999 C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S
We have found your home interesting, informative and created with nice design and consistenty. The navigation and the loading time is ok. We are honored to be able to present the following award to you.
- HPC Approval |
December 23, 1999 C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S
The artwork is unique, and it gave us great pleasure to study all the wonderful work. We are honored to be able to present the following award to you.
- Art/Artist of Excellence award |
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