Awards 2001
I sincerely thank all these webmasters for the time spent reviewing my site and for their most distinguished awards. Every award means a lot to me and is proudly displayed in these pages. Thanks again, Barbara
January 2, 2001 Hi Barbara Congratulations you won Medusa's Art Award. You have a really informative and beautiful site, I like it a lot. Keep up the wonderful work :O) Thanks & Happy New Year Best wishes Medusa
January 2, 2001 Complimenti! Il sito che lei ci ha proposto ha ottenuto la seguente votazione: Contenuti : 10 Grafica : 8 Programmazione : 6 Voto Complessivo : 24/30 Presto sarà inserito nell'archivio dei siti di MondoQualità. Distinti Saluti D'Urzo Vincenzo Responsabile settore CQ di MondomaniaService
January 2, 2001 Greetings,
I have launched a new award program for the new year that you might be interested in knowing about.
From the suite of award categories I offer, one is called The World's Best Visuals Awards. This is similar to Don Chisolm's Superb Awards or Awards Sites! Hall of Recognition. What makes WBV differ from the programs mentioned above is it rewards accomplishments in receiving an impressive collection of graphics or visual design specific awards. This is determined by a select list of some of the most respected visuals specific awards on the web. I am happy to announce your visual specific award(s) has been selected for SWA's Designer Elite List. Thanks for offering one of the best graphics or visual design awards available on the web! Tom Powell Owner/Webmaster of Director of Promotion for APEX |
Globe Master Award |
January 9, 2001 Ciao Barbara,
Congratulazioni! Ti ringrazio per avermi invitato a visitare il tuo sito su Internet. Mi congratulo con te per il tuo lavoro davvero meritevole ed è con grande piacere che ho deciso di assegnarti lo
scudetto: "Silver Award". Valutazione: 60/100. Puoi integrare lo scudetto "Silver Award" all'interno
del tuo sito come simbolo distintivo di qualità grafica e dei contenuti. Complimenti ancora e continua a fare del tuo meglio! WebMaster: C.N.V. The GlobeMaster Web Site |

January 22, 2001 You have received the Midnight Surf 3 Star award. This is not an easy award to achieve, but your site rated the required percentage needed. We at Midnight Surf would like to Congratulate You! and hope you continue
striving to be the best. |

January 22, 2001 Hi Barbara,
Thank you for applying for the iNet Award. I am pleased to advise you that your web site, "Barbara Tampieri Homepage" has won the iNet Award for Merit! Congratulations! The iNet is not an easy award to win at any level. Your web site scored 68.5/100 for basic web site design quality (as outlined in the iNet Award criteria). Although you did not quite make the Bronze level, I found something special in your site that I felt needed to be rewarded. Your efforts to promote the artworks of International artists is to be commended as is your wonderful web site awards program that honors webmasters both in
the arts and not. Your site is a shining example of a webmaster who gives of her time and efforts to promote and preserve the quality of the web community. You should be very proud. Thank you for inviting me to visit your wonderful web site and for the pleasure of reviewing it. Karen Pimtzner
Petal Perfect Mosaic Gallery |

January 22, 2001 Barbara,
The review panel and I are pleased to announce your site was an Award winner. It is with great pleasure to present you with my Award of Excellence. It was an honour to review your site, your exceptional layout and excellent content made my stay most enjoyable. Your site was clear of any visible errors, navigation was excellent, java scripts was found to be working well, overall an exceptional site. I was most impressed by your range of imagery within your postcard collect that a return trip for me is on the cards. Excuse the pun :) Overall an exceptional site, so mush so that I have also presented you with my Home Page Award. Congratulations Barbra As a recipient of my Award of Excellence you are now in the final for my Globe Award of the Year to be presented on December 6th 2001. I wish you the best of Luck. Regards Jennie Mahon Webmistress
January 23, 2001 Hi Barbara,
You have a very unique site. Plus it meets all of our criteria for the award. Congratulations,
The Crew |
January 24, 2001 Hello Barbara,
I have reviewed your page, it is very good, go on this way. Here it is, your Cactus Award!
Greetings from Linz / Austria Hannes |
January 27, 2001 Dear Barbara: Congratulations on your achievement! I am pleased to present "Barbara Tampieri Home Page" with the Perfect Vision Bronze Award. Your elegant and skilful presentation of unique content ensures your status as a creative visionary. Thanks again for your participation in this program, and for affording me the opportunity to evaluate your excellent website. Best Regards, Catherine |
January 28, 2001 Congratulations, Barbara Tampieri Home Page is the recipient of JoyZine's Wonderful Website Award for your site of well-presented, quality artwork. Your site information and link will be added to our Winners area at at the next update. Joy Williams |
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If you find your award rating being incorrect please email me the right information.
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