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Kitzas Hochzeit (Kitzas wedding) - Oil painting

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Arbeiten macht dumm (Work makes you dumb) - Color-woodcuts

Esteban Fekete

Pilar - Oil Painting
Guest artist - May 2005

Esteban Fekete was born in 1924 in Cinkota near Budapest (Hungary). Initially there, later in Turkey he experienced a sheltered upbringing. School, graduation and later his civil engineering studies in Budapest did not absorb him, so he developed a passion for sports and became a promising athlete.
As the political situation deteriorated in 1948 he unceremoniously decided not to return from an England and France trip with other athletes but to emigrate to Argentina.
The cultural life in Buenos Aires has always been extremely vivid. His wife supported his courage to reconsider his vocation. Contacts with artists could easily be established. The now untiringly painting autodidact was lucky to find a well disposed mentor in the person of Professor Julio E. Payro, the leading Argentine art critic, who recognized Fekete's extraordinary gift and supported him by communicating his theoretical knowledge.
In 1961 an exhibition at the Frankfurter Kunstkabinett by Hanna Bekker vom Rath is crucial for the future. A self-printed poster especially made for this event "Der Spiegel" (The Mirror) sells 100 copies within days after its release. The success in the following years was so overwhelming that the artist and his wife, who should later become a Professor at the Technical University, moved to Darmstadt. Since 1984 the couple has lived in a 3 month alternating cycle in their house in Gundernhausen/Germany or near Kenmare in Ireland.

::: Artist Statement :::

Visit Esteban Fekete website

The artist


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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri