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Moonshiners 2

Ben Stocker Johnson

art 1
Guest artist - January 2002

Ben was born in 1976 on a boat in the North Florida jungle-swamps.
He won a contest to see who could draw the best imaginary house, at an early age.
He was kicked out of several schools for drawing pictures of teachers and fellow students.
Walt Disney gave Ben Stocker Johnson an award for being a "dreamer" and a "doer".
He lived in Athens, Georgia, and drew a lot of nude people.
Sojourned in California and got captured by the Internet.
Returned to live and hide in the North Florida jungle-swamps.
He sold one painting at an auction, but never got paid.
He won the beautiful Carrie to marry for being a lazy painter but a good lover.
He is currently working on a top secret project known as 'gulf trash'.
Ben Stocker Johnson is sure to win more awards soon.




Visit Ben Stocker Johnson Gallery

The artist


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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri