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Le piano fantôme

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Le violoncelle rose

Michel Vermeulen

Le piano indien bleu
Guest artist - July 2003

Michel Vermeulen was born in Verdun, Quebec, in 1961. He began his artist career in 1978, whereas he was a student at "Polyvalente Monseigneur Richard" in Verdun with his visual arts professors, Mr. Jean-Louis Deschambeault and Mr. André Dumaine, who transmitted him a solid and determining technique.
His paintings often represent musical instruments, in particular the pianos. He makes them almost alive-beings by supporting the deployment of a pure energy, which comes very close to frankness. Candles and pears are treat with honour. The candle represents for him environment and the atmosphere, while the pear, life and sensuality.
Several great American stars, which work in the show business have a Vermeulen in their home, such as Elton John and Jay Leno. His happy and lives pallet is dazzling and he practices an effect of a rather impressive three dimensions kind.
Moreover, he gained several international mentions and prizes, among which the Pollock prize in 2001 and the Pablo d'Oro in 2002.
Vermeulen is describing himself like a painter of happiness and festivities! He believes that art in all its forms is very important for us, to survive. The moments of relaxation and relieving are capital in a world like ours! This is why he often mentions that if his paintings can give you a small moment of happiness and especially of relieving, he will have made a success of his mission!

click to read the interview

The official painting of the Olympic Games Athens 2004 by Michel Vermeulen

Michel is the author of the official painting of the Olympic Games Athens 2004.

Visit Michel Vermeulen's website

The artist


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Gallery concept & design by BTDesign - Copyright © 1999-2005 Barbara Tampieri